Listen to me talk to Shaun Keaveny and Aasmah Mir about my trip on BBC Radio 4, Saturday Live here about 23.30 mins in but well worth listening to the brilliant Eliza Carthy first

Watch this short clip about the trip on BBC News here with legendary Zeb Soanes reading the Shipping Forecast

And a longer version shown on BBC Travel Show here

You can hear me talking about the trip with Paddy O’Connell on BBC Broadcasting House here where you can also hear a version of the French forecast with accordion accompaniment!

Read about my close shave with Meningitis here and the brilliant work of the South West Ambulance Crew, when I figure it out, you can also listen here to an interview with BBC radio Wiltshire

Here is a link to an article in the Rutland and Stamford Mercury

and here is a link to an article in the Icelandic National newspaper!

If you haven’t had enough yet, here is blog post on Sea Paddler about my trip